Saturday, October 23, 2010

Paint a Song!

The next project is to pick a song and paint that song. Ok, this sound a bit weird you say? 

Just like color, music has tones, rhythm, pattern and evokes feelings. Play your song and close your eyes. Do you see colors, or a visual? How do you feel when you listen to the song?

I want to to focus on lines, shapes and patterns. I do not want you to create an object or image in your design, but more of a pattern, rhythm or feeling using color, lines and shapes. 

You are to pick a triadic color scheme for your painting (Be sure to look back on your notes from class). Keep in mind the color when thinking about your song. Colors evoke different feeling. What feeling are you trying to convey? 

This painting needs to be on an 18" x 24" page with a 2" border all the way around. This will give a nice frame around your painting. 

Be sure to think about emphasis, a focus in your piece. Also how are you going to use your color and design to create a focus in your piece?

Be sure to have a copy of your song to share with the class. 

If you have any questions post them and I will respond as soon as I can!

Have fun! 

1 comment:

  1. by when is this due?
    Im asking because I wont be able to attend class today due to work ralated stuff.
